Welcome to the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, where we offer Sculptra Aesthetic, a groundbreaking treatment for facial rejuvenation. Led by Dr. Leonard Miller, our acclaimed, board-certified plastic surgeon, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a more youthful appearance. We deliver both non-surgical and surgical treatments under the care of some of the most gifted plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and talented aestheticians in Boston and beyond. 

What is Sculptra and how is it different from other injectables?

Sculptra is a genuinely remarkable FDA-approved non-surgical treatment specifically designed to stimulate collagen production and gradually restore facial volume -- naturally. This treatment effectively addresses deep wrinkles, creases, and facial folds resulting from the natural aging process, weight loss, or inherited through your family. Sculptra's primary component is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which can trigger natural collagen growth. 

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Is Sculptra right for me?

If you are considering injectables to restore your look, you deserve to find out about this innovative product. It will produce some beautiful changes in skin quality.

  • Natural-looking results: Sculptra provides gradual, natural-looking enhancements. Unlike some dermal fillers that deliver immediate volume, Sculptra stimulates collagen growth over time, offering a subtle and authentic improvement in facial contours.
  • Long-lasting effects: Enjoy the benefits of Sculptra for up to two years after a series of treatments. This extended duration minimizes the need for frequent touch-ups, making it a cost-effective and convenient solution for combatting signs of aging.
  • Minimal downtime: Sculptra requires minimal downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately. Initial side effects like mild swelling, redness, and bruising are temporary and typically resolve quickly.
  • FDA-approved: Sculptra is FDA-approved for both safety and effectiveness, providing patients with confidence in its reliability as a facial rejuvenation option.
  • Customized treatments: Dr. Leonard Miller and his professional staff deliver 100 percent personalized treatment plans. 

Is Sculptra right for you?

Sculptra is a versatile treatment suitable for individuals of various age groups and skin types. Sculptra injections can work wonders whether you're in your 30s noticing early signs of aging or in your 60s seeking significant rejuvenation. This treatment is ideal if you would prefer gradual and natural-looking skin quality improvements as it rebuilds from within.

What is a Sculptra treatment like to experience?

During a Sculptra session, our board-certified injector will strategically administer the product at various depths within the skin, stimulating collagen production to restore lost facial volume. This precise technique enhances the overall facial appearance and promotes a smoother, more youthful complexion. 

Does Sculptra have a recovery time?

After a Sculptra treatment, you may experience mild swelling, redness, and bruising around the injection site, but these effects are temporary. Itching is common but also short-lived. Serious reactions, like allergic responses, nodules, or facial asymmetry, are rare. Sculptra's minimal downtime allows you to resume your daily routine immediately.

How much does Sculptra cost?

Sculptra pricing varies based on your unique requirements and the number of sessions needed to achieve your personal aesthetic vision. During your consultation, you can discuss your goals and expectations with us to determine an appropriate treatment plan and associated cost. While Sculptra is not typically covered by insurance, we offer various payment options, including cash, major credit cards, and healthcare financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending.

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Why choose the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery?

At Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, you'll find a team of skilled professionals dedicated to providing safe, effective, and personalized treatments. Our extensive experience in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures ensures the best possible patient outcomes. With a commitment to your satisfaction and well-being, we are here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Every patient is treated with personalized care and attention – our staff goes above and beyond to ensure you love your results!

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